What is Presearch??
Presearch is a new platform where you get Presearch token for searching on their platform which will automatically redirect you to google and other platform search result page. When you click on search your text, you will be credited with 0.25 PRE tokens. If you want to visit Presearch website now Click Here.
Difference between Presearch Token, Presearch coin:
When you search on Presearch platform you get Presearch tokens. This tokens you have to withdraw in the form of Presearch coins. Coin and Token having equal value. Ex. 100 tokens = 100 coins.
How to use Presearch coin?
Presearch coins are digital currency. There are different platforms available, where you can exchange, sell PRE coins for bitcoins or money etc. There are platforms like
https://coincodex.com etc which will help you to sell, exchange Presearch coins.
Daily Limit:
Earn up to 8 Tokens in a day.
Presearch coin price:
1 PRE coin = $0.090999 USD
Presearch to INR, Presearch to Rupees:
Current price is:
1 PRE coin = 6.57 Indian Rupees
Presearch ICO:
If you are investor wanted to invest in PRE coins do research on the current ICO price before you invest.
Presearch extension:
Presearch extension is "PRE".
Presearch withdraw:
Limit for PRE token withdraw is 1000 PRE tokens. After you earn 1000 PRE tokens you get mail from Presearch as shown below:
You can see in the image they are asking for Ethereum wallet address. For how to create wallet address, please Click Here
After doing reply to mail, within 3-5 working days you will get your coins in the wallet. In below showing you withdraw proof:
Presearch Review, Is Presearch a scam??:
As per my research, it's really trusted platform & they full filled all their promises. Bitcoin also got consider as fake, useless some years before but now bitcoin has a great value. So my suggestion try this.
Hope you got clear idea of presearch, presearch coin, presearch token, presearch withdraw, presearch ico, presearch token exchange. If you have any query feel free to comment, we will be happy by solving your query!!
Presearch is a new platform where you get Presearch token for searching on their platform which will automatically redirect you to google and other platform search result page. When you click on search your text, you will be credited with 0.25 PRE tokens. If you want to visit Presearch website now Click Here.
Difference between Presearch Token, Presearch coin:
When you search on Presearch platform you get Presearch tokens. This tokens you have to withdraw in the form of Presearch coins. Coin and Token having equal value. Ex. 100 tokens = 100 coins.
How to use Presearch coin?
Presearch coins are digital currency. There are different platforms available, where you can exchange, sell PRE coins for bitcoins or money etc. There are platforms like
https://coincodex.com etc which will help you to sell, exchange Presearch coins.
Daily Limit:
Earn up to 8 Tokens in a day.
Presearch coin price:
1 PRE coin = $0.090999 USD
Presearch to INR, Presearch to Rupees:
Current price is:
1 PRE coin = 6.57 Indian Rupees
Presearch ICO:
If you are investor wanted to invest in PRE coins do research on the current ICO price before you invest.
Presearch extension:
Presearch extension is "PRE".
Presearch withdraw:
Limit for PRE token withdraw is 1000 PRE tokens. After you earn 1000 PRE tokens you get mail from Presearch as shown below:
You can see in the image they are asking for Ethereum wallet address. For how to create wallet address, please Click Here
After doing reply to mail, within 3-5 working days you will get your coins in the wallet. In below showing you withdraw proof:
Presearch Review, Is Presearch a scam??:
As per my research, it's really trusted platform & they full filled all their promises. Bitcoin also got consider as fake, useless some years before but now bitcoin has a great value. So my suggestion try this.
Hope you got clear idea of presearch, presearch coin, presearch token, presearch withdraw, presearch ico, presearch token exchange. If you have any query feel free to comment, we will be happy by solving your query!!
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